Friday, December 18, 2009

11:57am: The Plenary finally starts...

but we wonder what that actually means. We have just heard that Obama has scrapped his day's schedule and is meeting behind closed doors - aided and abetted by Japan - to move things "forward".

Finally, Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen welcomed delegates to the informal plenary. Unfortunately with so many thousand people apparently watching, the web feed is very intermittent, so we only get every third word or so - but at least we can say we were 'ere 8<)).
He appeared to be followed by Ban Ki Moon, Chinese Premier Wen, Lula da Silva (Brazil), and then Obama took the stage. We turned off the video and hoped for the best. Then a techo came and rebooted the server...

Interestingly President of Iran, Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was at the same time delivering a Press Conference on the other channel, which made for a surrealistic experience...

Meanwhile, we have wifi up, and here is a snap of my new Canuck mate, waiting for the action to start...

I have been reading some of the Australian press - pretty poor coverage, if I may be so bold. COP is NOT a catastrophe, there is real progress, and there is a desperate desire on the part of all the Heads of State to go home with something worthwhile. Amazingly, the chance of an Australian double dissolution doesn't seem to be affecting things here.

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